Thursday, October 11, 2007

Lebaran........Personality Test Juga...


'Hari ini kumulai dengan ceria
Senyum Sapa Kepada semua orang
kuucap salam untukmu teman-teman
OH...semoga rahmat dan berkahNya terlimpah untuk semua'

Nach itu ditulis lagi sekelupit Lagu dari Justice Voice buat pembuka, yach karena awal dan akhir ramdhan adalah awal dan akhir yang menyenangkan. Hari ini merupakan hari terakhir bulan Ramadhan bagi sebagian orang, dan bagi sebagain yanbg lain dua hari lagi baru idul fitri menjelang. Nah loh beda lagi beda lagi. Kenapa sech di negara kita setiap mau idoel fitri pasti ada perbedaan kayak begini, ada yang lebaran duluan lah dan ada juga yang lebaran belakangan. Jumlah ramadhan yang dilewatin juga beragam kalau duluan berarti 29 hari kalau belakangan berarti 30 hari. Kalau hitungan 29 atau 30 hari memang tidak masalah, karena Nabi juga telah mengisyaratkan hitungan bulan ramadhan itu 29 dan atau 30 hari. Namun yang jadi pertanyaan adalah sepertinya kerja para ahli astronomi islam yang bertanggung jawab dengan bulan hijriah (khususnya di Indonesia yaitu dua ormas islam besar yaitu NU dan Muhamaddiyah) hanya memiliki perbedaan hari untuk idul fitri saja. Padahal kalau kita pikir lagi seharusnya perbedaan ini memberikan implikasi pada ketentuan jatuhnya hari-hari besar islam lainnya seperti idul adha, muharram, dan lain-lain.

hal-hal seperti ini terjadi karena presiden kita baru dianggap oleh sebagian masyarakat kita hanya sebatas pimpinan negara, bukan pimpinan agama. Niscaya kalau ada pimpinan agama dan negara sekaligus (contohnya pada kekhilafahan islam) hal-hal seperti ini bisa dihindarkan, karena keputusan akhir ada pada pimpinan agama dan negara itu.

Untuk kasus di Indonesia, ada baiknya dua ormas islam yang disebutkan tadi membentuk badan khusus untuk mengatasi perbedaan-perbedaan seperti ini. Mungkin pada awalnya banyak yang berkata : 'Inilah indahnya islam, banyak keanekaragaman didalamnya', pendapat ini tidak salah, namun bagi orang yang belum mengerti tentang hal ini, akan membuat bingung orang-orang awam tersebut.

namun pada akhirnya kapan kita berlebaran, tergantung keyakinan kita, kita mengikuti keyakinan yang mana. Hanya ada saran terakhir kalau mengikuti sebuah keyakinan, maka ambillah semua keyakinan itu dengan utuh jangan cuman mengikuti hari lebarannya saja, atau sebagain yang lain tapi dicampur dengan sebagian yang lain.
akhirul kalam selamat berlebaran. semoga amal dan ibadah kita selama bulan ramdhan di terima dengan baik oleh Rabb Pencipta Alam Semesta : Allah SWT.


Personality Test

Baru coba - coba ngambil
tes kepribadian
, hasilnya kayak begini :

well, Kata hasil testnya gw ini termasuk orang yang Melancholy Choleric, yach k'lo mo ngerti apa itu maksudnya..coba dech liat tipe" orang yang kaya gini beserta kelemahan and kelebihannya

Strengths of a Choleric

The Choleric's Emotions
Born leader
Dynamic and active
Compulsive need for change
Must correct wrongs
Strong-willed and decisive
Not easily discouraged
Independent and self sufficient
Exudes confidence
Can run anything

The Choleric As A Parent
Exerts sound leadership
Establishes Goals
Motivates family to action
Knows the right answer
Organizes household

The Choleric At Work
Goal oriented
Sees the whole picture
Organizes well
Seeks practical solutions
Moves quickly to action
Delegates work
Insists on production
Makes the goal
Stimulates activity
Thrives on opposition

The Choleric As a Friend
Has little need for friends
Will work for group activity
Will lead and organize
Is usually right
Excels in emergencie

Weaknesses of a Choleric
The Choleric's Emotions
Can't Relax
Too impetuous
Enjoys controversy and arguments
Won't give up when loosing
Comes on too strong
Is not complimentary
Dislikes tears and emotions
Is unsympathetic

The Choleric As A Parent
Tends to over dominate
Too busy for family
Gives answers too quickly
Impatient with poor performance
Won't let children relax
May send them into depression

The Choleric At Work
Little tolerance for mistakes
Doesn't analyze details
Bored by trivia
May make rash decisions
May be rude or tactless
Manipulates people
Demanding of others
End justifies the means
Work may become his god
Demands loyalty in the ranks

The Choleric As a Friend
Tends to use people
Dominates others
Knows everything
Decides for others
Can do everything better
Is to independent
Possessive of friends and mate
Can't say, "I'm Sorry"
May be right, but unpopular

Strengths of a Melancholy
The Melancholy's Emotions
Deep and thoughtfully
Serious and purposeful
Genius prone
Talented and creative
Artistic or musical
Philosophical and poetic
appreciative of beauty
Sensitive to others

The Melancholy As A Parent
Sets high standards
Wants everything done right
Keeps home in good order
Picks up after children
Sacrifices own will for others
Encourages scholarship and talent

The Melancholy At Work
Schedule oriented
Perfectionist, high standards
Detail conscious
Persistent and thorough
Orderly and organized
Neat and tidy
Sees the problems
Finds creative solutions
Needs to finish what he starts
Likes charts, graphs, figures, lists

The Melancholy As a Friend
Makes friends cautiously
Content to stay in background
Avoids causing attention
Faithful and devoted
Will listen to complaints
Can solve other's problems
Deep concern for other people
Moved to tears with compassion
Seeks ideal mate

Weakness of a Melancholy
The Melancholy's Emotions
Remembers the negatives
Moody and depressed
Enjoys being hurt
Has false humility
Off in another world
Low self-image
Has selective hearing
Too introspective
Guilt feelings
Persecution complex
Tends to hypochondria

The Melancholy As A Parent
Puts goals beyond reach
May discourage children
May be too meticulous
Becomes martyr
Sulks over disagreements
Puts guilt upon children

The Melancholy At Work
Not people oriented
depressed over imperfections
Chooses difficult work
Hesitant to start projects
Spends to much time planning
Prefers analysis to work
Hard to please
Standards often to high
Deep need for approval

The Melancholy As a Friend
Lives through others
Insecure socially
Withdrawn and remote
critical of others
Holds back affections
Dislikes those in opposition
Suspicious of people
Antagonistic and vengeful
Full of contradictions
Skeptical of compliments

so don't hate and detest me if i do someting bad to u all.
coz who i'am ?
it's only me, the ordinary man who like to do the ordinary things

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